Getting Started

Getting started with tornado_rest_client is easy.

  • Define the API methods you plan to support
  • Build any custom functions that you need
  • Ship it!

Install the test-specific dependencies

(.venv) $ pip install -r tornado_rest_client/requirements.test.txt
(.venv) $ cd tornado_rest_client
(.venv) $ python test


Unit Tests

The code is 100% unit test coverage complete, and no pull-requests will be accepted that do not maintain this level of coverage. That said, it’s possible (likely) that we have not covered every possible scenario in our unit tests that could cause failures. We will strive to fill out every reasonable failure scenario.

Integration Tests

Because it’s hard to predict cloud failures, we provide integration tests for most of our modules. These integration tests actually go off and execute real operations in your accounts, and rely on particular environments being setup in order to run. credentials are all correct.

Executing the tests

PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST=True python integration pep8 pyflakes