Source code for tornado_rest_client.api

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2014, Inc

This package provides a quick way of creating custom API clients for JSON-based
REST APIs. The majority of the work is in the creation of a
:attr:`RestConsumer.CONFIG` dictionary for the class. This dictionary
dynamically configures the object at instantiation time with the appropriate
:func:`~tornado.gen.coroutine` wrapped HTTP fetch methods.

.. autoclass:: RestConsumer
.. autoclass:: RestClient
.. autoclass:: SimpleTokenRestClient

import logging
import types
import urllib
import functools

from tornado import gen
from tornado import httpclient
from tornado import httputil
import simplejson as json

from tornado_rest_client import utils
from tornado_rest_client import exceptions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'Matt Wise <>'

[docs]def retry(func=None, retries=3, delay=0.25): """Coroutine-compatible retry decorator. This decorator provides a simple retry mechanism that compares the exceptions it received against a configuration list stored in the calling-object(:attr:`RestClient.EXCEPTIONS`), and then performs the action defined in that list. For example, an :exc:`~tornado.httpclient.HTTPError` with a '500' code might want to retry 3 times. On the otherhand, a `401`/`403` might want to throw an :exc:`~tornado_rest_client.exceptions.InvalidCredentials` exception. Examples: >>> @gen.coroutine ... @retry ... def some_func(self): ... yield ... >>> @gen.coroutine ... @retry(retries=5): ... def some_func(self): ... yield ... """ def decorate(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # Try #1! i = 1 # Get a list of private kwargs to mask private_kwargs = getattr(self, '_private_kwargs', []) # For security purposes, create a patched kwargs string that # removes passwords from the arguments. This is never guaranteed to # work (an API could have 'foo' as their password field, and we # just won't know ...), but we make a best effort here. safe_kwargs = dict(kwargs) remove = [k for k in safe_kwargs if k in private_kwargs] for k in remove: safe_kwargs[k] = '****' while True: # Don't log out the first try as a 'Try' ... just do it if i > 1: log.debug('Try (%s/%s) of %s(%s, %s)' % (i, retries, func, args, safe_kwargs)) # Attempt the method. Catch any exception listed in # self.EXCEPTIONS. try: ret = yield gen.coroutine(func)(self, *args, **kwargs) raise gen.Return(ret) except tuple(self.EXCEPTIONS.keys()) as e: error = str(e) if hasattr(e, 'message'): error = e.message log.warning('Exception raised on try %s: %s' % (i, error)) # If we've run out of retry attempts, raise the exception if i >= retries: log.debug('Raising exception: %s' % e) raise e # Gather the config for this exception-type from # self.EXCEPTIONS. Iterate through the data and see if we # have a matching exception string. exc_conf = self.EXCEPTIONS[type(e)].copy() # An empty string for the key is the default exception # It's optional, but can match before others match, so we # pop it before searching. default_exc = exc_conf.pop('', False) log.debug('Searching through %s' % exc_conf) matched_exc = [exc for key, exc in exc_conf.items() if key in str(e)] log.debug('Matched exceptions: %s' % matched_exc) if matched_exc and matched_exc[0] is not None: exception = matched_exc[0] log.debug('Matched exception: %s' % exception) raise exception(e) elif matched_exc and matched_exc[0] is None: log.debug('Exception is retryable!') pass elif default_exc is not False: raise default_exc(str(e)) elif default_exc is False: # Reaching this part means no exception was matched # and no default was specified. log.debug('No explicit behavior for this exception' ' found. Raising.') raise e # Must have been a retryable exception. Retry. i = i + 1 log.debug('Retrying in %s...' % delay) yield utils.tornado_sleep(delay) log.debug('Retrying..') return wrapper # # python-making-decorators-with-optional-arguments if func: return decorate(func) return decorate
[docs]def create_http_method(name, http_method): """Creates the *GET*/*PUT*/*DELETE*/*POST* function for a RestConsumer. This method is called by :func:`RestConsumer._create_http_methods` to create a method for the :class:`RestConsumer` object with the appropriate name and HTTP method (:func:`http_get`, :func:`http_put`, :func:`http_delete`, :func:`http_post`) :param str name: Full name of the function to create (ie, `http_get`) :param str http_method: Name of the method (ie, `get`) :return: A method appropriately configured and named. """ @gen.coroutine def method(self, *args, **kwargs): # We don't support un-named args. Throw an exception. if args: raise exceptions.InvalidOptions('Must pass named-args (kwargs)') ret = yield self._client.fetch( url='%s%s' % (self.ENDPOINT, self._path), method=http_method.upper(), params=kwargs, auth_username=self.CONFIG.get('auth', {}).get('user'), auth_password=self.CONFIG.get('auth', {}).get('pass') ) raise gen.Return(ret) method.__name__ = http_method return method
[docs]def create_consumer_method(name, config): """Creates a method that returns a configured RestConsumer object. RestConsumer objects themselves can have references to other RestConsumer objects. For example, the :class:`~tornado_rest_consumer.client.slack.Slack` object has no :func:`http_*` methods itself, but it does have methods like :func:`~tornadeo_rest_consumer.client.slack.Slack.auth_test` which return a fresh :class:`RestConsumer` object that points to the `/api/auth.test` API endpoint and provide :func:`http_post` as a function The method created here accepts any args (`*args, **kwargs`) and passes them on to the :class:`RestConsumer` object being created. This allows for passing in unique resource identifiers (ie, the `%res%` in `/v2/rooms/%res%/history`). :param str name: The name of the method to create (ie, `auth_test`) :param dict config: The dictionary of :attr:`~RestConsumer.CONFIG` data specific to the API endpoint that we are configuring (should include `path` and `http_methods` keys). :return: A method that returns a fresh RestConsumer object """ def method(self, *args, **kwargs): # Merge the supplied kwargs to the method with any kwargs supplied to # the RestConsumer parent object. This ensures that tokens replaced in # the 'path' variables are passed all the way down the instantiation # chain. merged_kwargs = dict(self._kwargs.items() + kwargs.items()) return self.__class__( name=name, config=self._attrs[name], client=self._client, *args, **merged_kwargs) method.__name__ = name return method
[docs]class RestConsumer(object): """Async REST API Consumer object. The generic RestConsumer object (with no parameters passed in) looks at the :attr:`CONFIG` dictionary and dynamically generates access methods for the various API methods. The *GET*, *PUT*, *POST* and *DELETE* methods optionally listed in `CONFIG['http_methods']` represent the possible types of HTTP methods that the `CONFIG['path']` supports. For each one of these listed, a :func:`~tornado.gen.coroutine` wrapped :func:`http_get`, :func:`http_put`, :func:`http_post`, or :func:`http_delete` method will be created. For each item listed in `CONFIG['attrs']`, an access method is created that creates and returns a new RestConsumer object that's configured for this endpoint. These methods are not asynchronous, but are non-blocking. :param str name: Name of the resource method (default: None) :param dict config: The dictionary object with the configuration for this API endpoint call. :param RestClient client: The `RestClient` compatible object used to actually fire off HTTP requests. :param dict kwargs: Any named arguments that should be passed along in the web request through the :func:`replace_path_tokens` method. This allows for string replacement in URL paths, like `/api/%resource_id%/terminate` to have the `%resource_id%` token replaced with something you've passed in here. """ #: The URL of the API Endpoint. #: (for example: ENDPOINT = None #: The configuration dictionary for the REST API. This dictionary #: consists of a root object that has three possible named keys: `path`, #: `http_methods` and `attrs`. #: #: * *path*: The API Endpoint that any of the HTTP methods should talk to. #: * *http_methods*: A dictionary of HTTP methods that are supported. #: * *attrs*: A dictionary of other methods to create that reference other #: API URLs. #: * *new*: Set to True if you want to create an access property rather #: an access method. Only works if your path has no token replacement in #: it. #: #: This data can be nested as much as you'd like #: #: >>> CONFIG = { #: ... 'path': '/', 'http_methods': {'get': {}}, #: ... 'new': True, #: ... 'attrs': { #: ... 'getter': {'path': '/get', 'htpt_methods': {'get': {}}}, #: ... 'poster': {'path': '/post', 'htpt_methods': {'post': {}}}, #: ... } #: ... }: CONFIG = {} def __init__(self, name=None, config=None, client=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes the RestConsumer.""" # If these aren't passed in, then get them from the class definition name = name or self.__class__.__name__ config = config or self.CONFIG # Get the basic options for this particular REST endpoint access object self._path = config.get('path', None) self._http_methods = config.get('http_methods', None) self._attrs = config.get('attrs', None) self._kwargs = kwargs # If no client was supplied, then we use our default self._client = client or RestClient() # Ensure that any tokens that need filling-in in the self._path setting # are pulled from the **kwargs passed into this init. This is used on # API paths like Hipchats '/v2/room/%(res)/...' URLs. self._path = self.replace_path_tokens(self._path, kwargs) # Create all of the methods based on the self._http_methods and # self._attrs dict. self._create_http_methods() self._create_consumer_methods() # Log some things log.debug('%s/%s initialized' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._client)) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def __str__(self): return str(self._path)
[docs] def replace_path_tokens(self, path, tokens): """Search and replace `%xxx%` with values from tokens. Used to replace any values of `%xxx%` with `'xxx`' from tokens. Can replace one, or many fields at aonce. :param str path: String of the path :param dict tokens: A dictionary of tokens to search through. :return: A modified string """ if not path: return try: path = utils.populate_with_tokens(path, tokens) except LookupError as e: msg = 'Path (%s), tokens: (%s) error: %s' % (path, tokens, e) raise TypeError(msg) return path
[docs] def _create_http_methods(self): """Create :func:`~tornado.gen.coroutine` wrapped HTTP methods. Iterates through the methods described in `self._http_methods` and creates :func:`~tornado.gen.coroutine` wrapped access methods that perform these actions. """ if not self._http_methods: return for name in self._http_methods.keys(): full_method_name = 'http_%s' % name method = create_http_method(full_method_name, name) setattr(self, full_method_name, types.MethodType(method, self, self.__class__))
[docs] def _create_consumer_methods(self): """Creates access methods to the attributes in `self._attrs`. Iterates through the attributes described in `self._attrs` and creates access methods that return :class:`RestConsumer` objects for those attributes. """ if not self._attrs: return for name in self._attrs.keys(): method = create_consumer_method(name, self._attrs[name]) if 'new' in self._attrs[name]: try: setattr(self, name, method(self)) except TypeError: setattr(self, name, types.MethodType(method, self, self.__class__)) else: setattr(self, name, types.MethodType(method, self, self.__class__))
[docs]class RestClient(object): """Simple Async REST client for the RestConsumer. Implements a :class:`~tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient`, some convinience methods for URL escaping, and a single :func:`~RestClient.fetch` method that can handle GET/POST/PUT/DELETEs. :param dict headers: Headers to pass in on every HTTP request """ #: Dictionary describing the exception handling behavior for HTTP calls. #: The dictionary should look like this: #: #: >>> { #: ... <exception type... aka httpclient.HTTPError>: { #: ... `<string to match in exception.message>`: <raises exc>, #: ... '<this string triggers a retry>': None, #: ... '': <all other strings trigger this exception> #: ... } #: EXCEPTIONS = { httpclient.HTTPError: { '401': exceptions.InvalidCredentials, '403': exceptions.InvalidCredentials, '500': None, '502': None, '503': None, '504': None, # Rrepresents a standard HTTP Timeout '599': None, '': exceptions.RecoverableFailure, } } # Combined Connect and Request Timeout settings. Note, None # is the default -- but actually times out after 20s (due to # a bug in Tornado). Use a very high number or 0 to indicate no # timeout. TIMEOUT = None def __init__(self, client=None, headers=None, timeout=TIMEOUT): self._client = client or httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() self._private_kwargs = ['auth_password'] self.headers = headers self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def _generate_escaped_url(self, url, args): """Generates a fully escaped URL string. Sorts the arguments so that the returned string is predictable and in alphabetical order. Effectively wraps the :func:`tornado.httputil.url_concat` method and properly strips out `None` values, as well as lowercases `Bool` values. :param str url: The URL to append the arguments to :param dict args: Key/Value arguments. Values should be primitives. :return: URL encoded string like this: `<url>?foo=bar&abc=xyz` """ # Remove keys from the arguments where the value is None args = dict((k, v) for k, v in args.iteritems() if v) # Convert all Bool values to lowercase strings for key, value in args.iteritems(): if type(value) is bool: args[key] = str(value).lower() # Now generate the URL full_url = httputil.url_concat(url, sorted(args.items())) log.debug('Generated URL: %s' % full_url) return full_url
@gen.coroutine @retry
[docs] def fetch(self, url, method, params={}, auth_username=None, auth_password=None): """Executes a web request asynchronously and yields the body. :param str url: The full url path of the API call :param dict params: Arguments (k/v pairs) to submit either as POST data or URL argument options. :param str method: GET/PUT/POST/DELETE :param str auth_username: HTTP auth username :param str auth_password: HTTP auth password :yields: String of the returned text from the web service. """ # Start with empty post data. If we're doing a PUT/POST, then just pass # args directly into the ch() method and let it take care of # things. If we're doing a GET/DELETE though, convert kwargs into a # modified URL string and pass that into the fetch() method. body = None if method in ('PUT', 'POST'): body = urllib.urlencode(params) or None elif method in ('GET', 'DELETE') and params: url = self._generate_escaped_url(url, params) # Generate the full request URL and log out what we're doing... log.debug('Making %s request to %s. Data: %s' % (method, url, body)) # Create the http_request object http_request = httpclient.HTTPRequest( url=url, method=method, body=body, headers=self.headers, auth_username=auth_username, auth_password=auth_password, follow_redirects=True, request_timeout=self.timeout, connect_timeout=self.timeout, max_redirects=10) # Execute the request and raise any exception. Exceptions are not # caught here because they are unique to the API endpoints, and thus # should be handled by the individual callers of this method. log.debug('HTTP Request: %s' % http_request) try: http_response = yield self._client.fetch(http_request) except httpclient.HTTPError as e: log.critical('Request for %s failed: %s' % (url, e)) raise log.debug('HTTP Response: %s' % http_response.body) try: body = json.loads(http_response.body) except ValueError: raise gen.Return(http_response.body) # Receive a successful return raise gen.Return(body)
[docs]class SimpleTokenRestClient(RestClient): """Simple RestClient with a token for HTTP authentication. Used in most simple APIs where a token is provided to the end user. :param dict tokens: A dict with the token name/value(s) to append to every web request. """ def __init__(self, tokens, *args, **kwargs): super(SimpleTokenRestClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._tokens = tokens for key in tokens.keys(): self._private_kwargs.append(key) @gen.coroutine def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'params' not in kwargs: kwargs['params'] = {} kwargs['params'].update(self._tokens) ret = yield super(SimpleTokenRestClient, self).fetch(*args, **kwargs) raise gen.Return(ret)