Source code for tornado_rest_client.clients.slack

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Copyright 2014, Inc


A simple Slack API client that provides basic message sending capabilities.
Note, many more functions can be added to this class, but initially its very


    >>> api = slack.Slack(token='unittest')
    >>> auth_ok = yield api.auth_test().http_post()
    >>> print('Auth OK? %s' % api.check_results(auth_ok))
    >>> ret = yield api.chat_postMessage().http_post(
    ...     channel='#systems',
    ...     text='This is a test message',
    ...     username='Matt',
    ...     parse='none',
    ...     link_names=1,
    ...     unfurl_links=True,
    ...     unfurl_media=True)
    >>> print ('Message sent? %s' % api.check_results(ret))

.. autoclass:: Slack

import logging

from tornado_rest_client import api
from tornado_rest_client import exceptions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'Matt Wise <>'

class RequestFailure(exceptions.BaseException):

    """Failure to parse the return data from Slack."""

class Error(exceptions.BaseException):

    """Failure to execute API call returned by Slack."""

[docs]class Slack(api.RestConsumer): """Simple Slack API Client. This example API client has very limited functionality -- basically it implements the `/api/auth.test` and `/api/chat.postMessage` functions. .. py:method:: auth_test Accesses .. py:method:: http_post .. py:method:: chat_postMessage Accesses .. py:method:: http_post(channel, text, username[, as_user, parse, link_names, attachments, unfurl_links, unfurl_media, icon_url, icon_emoji]) """ ENDPOINT = '' CONFIG = { 'attrs': { 'auth_test': { 'path': '/api/auth.test', 'http_methods': {'post': {}}, }, 'chat_postMessage': { 'path': '/api/chat.postMessage', 'http_methods': {'post': {}}, } } } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'token' not in kwargs: raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials( 'No \'token\' passed in') kwargs['client'] = api.SimpleTokenRestClient( tokens={'token': kwargs['token']} ) super(Slack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_results(self, result): """Returns True/False if the result was OK from Slack. The Slack API avoids using standard error codes, and instead embeds error codes in the return results. This method returns True or False based on those results. :param dict result: A return dict from Slack :raises InvalidCredentials: if the creds are bad :raises Error: exception on any other value :raises RequestFailure: response with no `ok` field :return: If the API call succeeded or failed without error :rtype: bool """ try: if result.get('ok', False): return True else: error = result['error'] except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise RequestFailure( 'An unexpected Slack API failure occured: %s' % result) # Set the default exception type to Error exc = Error # If we know what kind fo error it is, we'll return a more accurate # exception type. if error == 'invalid_auth': exc = exceptions.InvalidCredentials # Finally, raise our exception raise exc('Slack API Error: %s' % error)